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How Long Does a Termite Inspection Take?

How Long Does a Termite Inspection Take?

Termites are one of the most annoying pests you will encounter in your life. They can live in your home secretly and eat away wood without you noticing it. A termite inspection is vital in properly finding the whereabouts of the pests inside your home.
During a termite inspection, pest control experts will assess termite-prone parts of your home. Inspectors will look for signs of termites and trace their source. A termite inspection can take about 45 minutes or more to completely inspect your home.
A termite inspection will not only be done in one area of your house but the entirety of your home. So, if you have a huge home, you can expect the termite inspection to take a little longer. The following are some things you can expect during a termite inspection.

Detecting Termites Using Tools and Equipment

Professional pest control companies utilize various tools and equipment to easily detect the whereabouts of termites in your home.

There are types of termites that are known to cause infestations and damages, depending on factors affecting the condition of your home. With the right tools and equipment, pest control companies are able to properly pinpoint the locations of termites. During the inspection, the moisture level will also be checked to find out whether your home is prone to termite reinfestation.

The following are other areas in your home that will need to be checked:

  • Walls
  • Windows
  • Crawl Spaces
  • Door frames
  • Inside of cabinet and closets

How do you prepare for a termite inspection?

If you’ve scheduled a termite inspection, you’re probably wondering how you can properly prepare for it. Are there any steps you need to take to get ready for the inspection? Well, preparing your home for an inspection is not that difficult. But there are a few things you can do to help make it go more smoothly.

Do a little bit of rearranging

Make way for the inspection by decluttering. Remove anything under your sink in the kitchen and bathroom that could hinder the inspection. Move anything you have stored against the wall in your garage and make sure the walls are accessible. If there are items against your exterior walls, it is also best that you move them two feet out.

Make it easy to access the attic

Pest control companies usually come in teams so you want to make sure no debris falling from the attic will disrupt your things while they are working. These areas are not often checked, which makes them more prone to termite infestation. Termite inspectors will thoroughly check your attic for any signs of termites.

Clear the crawl space

If your home is built on a raised foundation, you need to clear your crawlspace so it is easy for the inspector to go inside. Crawl spaces are similar to the basement but are vented to the outside air. Some crawl spaces can be full-height like a basement, whereas others can be 2 feet tall or shorter. Since crawl spaces are more prone to moisture and high-level humidity, it is one of the favorite hideouts of termites.

Take care of some landscaping

Termite inspection helps you find the whereabouts of pests in your home. As a homeowner, you may not notice it eventually but your landscaped garden could actually be a food source for termites. To prepare for the termite inspection, take care of some landscaping. Remove rotting stumps, dead trees and roots, and other wood debris in your yard as they could be home to termites. Move firewood at least 20 feet away from your home and keep wood mulch to a minimum. If you spot termites, apply the primary solution first.

Why You Need Termite Inspection

Your home may be termite-free for now. But at the very least, you should schedule a detailed home inspection with a reliable and experienced termite control company.

A thorough inspection will help determine:

  • If there are termites on your property
  • Where termite colonies are located
  • If there are signs of termite activity in your home
  • What treatments are most suitable given the condition of your home

Ideally, you should have your home inspected once every year to ensure that your home is free from termites. This is true, especially for homes built with wooden foundations that are ten years old or older. If a detailed inspection has not been within the past 2-3 years, you must subject your home to a termite inspection now.

How to Prevent Further Inspection

Good news – termites can be prevented by following some techniques. Read through the following to ensure that termites are no longer going back to your home.

Get rid of excess moisture in your home

Repair leaky faucets as soon as possible and don’t let water accumulate on the floor. Aside from the fact that stagnant water is smelly, it can invite termites. Clear your downspouts to divert water away from the house. Make sure the soil around your house is coarse to keep water away from the foundation.

Keep your landscape clean

Don’t let wood debris or wood mulch pile up in your garden as they can attract termites. Remove old tree stumps and dead trees from your property, and maintain cleanliness in your garden even after a termite inspection. Trim trees and shrubbery so they will not touch wood surfaces in your home.

Repair your roof as soon as there’s an issue

Broken roof tiles and attic entrances can expose wooden beams in the attic. When it rains, this wood can receive water and absorb it causing it to decay. Even if termites have been treated already, they can still find a way back to your home.
Moreover, avoid stocking cardboard boxes in your attic and garage since they can provide food for termites. You may have gotten rid of termites for now but some other group will come invading your home as soon as they find something to eat in your home.


Termite inspection doesn’t take too long. However, it’s the most practical solution to ensure your home is free from termites. Professional termite inspectors can spot signs of termite infestation that you may have missed and will be able to offer effective treatment recommendations. If it’s time for a termite inspection, don’t hesitate to contact The Local Guys.

What Services Do We Offer?

We offer a bunch of services and treatments to control pest infestation for the masses all across Australia. Our pest control services can manage:

  • Flying insects (wasps, bees, flies, mosquitoes, etc.)
  • Crawling insects (termites, spiders, cockroaches, ants, etc.)
  • Birds and rodents (rats, mice, birds, etc.)

Our team of experts works towards returning your home back to you just so you can resume your life without any disruption or hassle, which is exactly what makes The Local Guys Pest Control the absolute best in the game!

Request a Quote

The Local Guys Pest Control offers pest management services and specialise in comprehensive pest control solutions. Offering thorough inspections for infestations, advice on preventive measures, treatment plans tailored to your needs, and extermination services for various pests. Reach out to The Local Guys Pest Control for more details.

Disclaimer: The information presented on this webpage provides general knowledge about pests and potential treatments. It is important to note that this content is not meant to serve as medical advice. In the case of a medical emergency, please dial 000 promptly and adhere to the provided guidance.
