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What Does a Termite Inspection Cost?

What Does a Termite Inspection Cost?

As every homeowner in Australia knows, termites can be a destructive force once in your home. It is best to deal with them as early as possible before they can eat away your entire house.
However, one of the questions we get from many of our customers concerns cost. In this article, we will discuss the factors that affect the termite treatment cost in Australia, what homeowners should generally expect, and different ways you can save on your termite treatment.

Factor #1: The Type of Termite

The most common types of termites that infest most Australian homes are subterranean termites and dry wood termites. Subterranean termites usually build mud tunnels from the ground and infest your home through wooden foundations that are in contact with the solid. On the other hand, dry wood termites can infest just any type of woodwork in your home. Unlike the former, they don’t build mud tubes and can sometimes eat hardwood like cypress or heartwood.
Since dry wood termites don’t show obvious evidence, it is very hard to detect their presence until it is too late. Even so, don’t be so complacent about your home. Many other species of termites continue to invade Australian homes.
The method for eradicating termites depends on the types of termites, which is why it is a primary factor in determining the price of treatment. Each method would have distinct effects and characteristics, and will also differ in price.
Termite baiting systems are generally cheaper. But first termite companies will have to identify the type of termite because there is no such thing as a one-time big-time solution for all types of termites. Some termites can be more resistant to a particular solution than others.

Factor #2: The Scope of the Infestation

The scope of infestation will also matter in determining the price of termite treatment. Short-term and long-term termite treatment can be applied depending on how much damage the termites have caused, and how prone your area is to recurring infestation.
When caught early, a termite infestation could still be less severe which makes it less expensive to deal with compared with a prolonged infestation. Moreover, if the level of termite infestation is high, the treatment plan will involve comprehensive treatment and major preventative measures to kill the entire colony and kill other termites which are three meters away from your home.
Prolonged infestation may require a much deeper treatment and not just termite bait. Re-infestation prevention may be also needed to deal with the fallout of any property damage caused by termites.
Again, you can always contact a professional team to conduct a full home inspection for termites. After identifying areas with termite activity, professional termite technicians can also estimate the relative size and scope of the infestation and give you a better idea about what to expect.

Factor #3: The Size and Foundation of your Home

Unlike treatment for other types of pests, termite treatment must be deep and expansive. That means the treatment is not only limited to what you can see. If you spill a termiticide on a bunch of termites, it may kill the group but not the entire colony. That is because a termite colony can spread throughout your entire home.
For that reason, we will have to look at the entire foundation of your home, including cracks, crevices, crawlspaces, and the attic, and block further termite entry or re-infestation.
Consequently, the size of your home in square footage can influence the quote.

What happens during the Inspection?

Termite inspection usually just lasts for an hour or two, depending on how large your area is. The inspectors will look at the interior and exterior interior of your home, and check visible signs of termite infestation like droppings, broken wings, mud tubes, damaged woods, buckling paints, and other obvious signs of termite damage.
The termite inspector will also check your baseboards, walls, windows, and crawl spaces. We will leave no stone unturned during the inspection and we will also need access to areas in your home, where you suspect a termite activity.
Other areas such as your bathrooms, kitchens, and utility rooms will also be inspected. Subterranean termites often use areas with more moisture as entryways to other areas in your home. Outside your home, inspectors will look at the exterior walls, eaves of the house, foundations, fences, stock of firewood, and other rotten woods.
Even if termites are located 100 meters away from your home, they can still find a way to your home if they find a good link. Who knows termites could be lurking just around your yard. That is why we also need to check rotten woods around.
There you go. We hope this article has given you everything you need to know about termites. If you need more information, feel free to contact our team.

What Services Do We Offer?

We offer a bunch of services and treatments to control pest infestation for the masses all across Australia. Our pest control services can manage:

  • Flying insects (wasps, bees, flies, mosquitoes, etc.)
  • Crawling insects (termites, spiders, cockroaches, ants, etc.)
  • Birds and rodents (rats, mice, birds, etc.)

Our team of experts works towards returning your home back to you just so you can resume your life without any disruption or hassle, which is exactly what makes The Local Guys Pest Control the absolute best in the game!

Request a Quote

The Local Guys Pest Control offers pest management services and specialise in comprehensive pest control solutions. Offering thorough inspections for infestations, advice on preventive measures, treatment plans tailored to your needs, and extermination services for various pests. Reach out to The Local Guys Pest Control for more details.

Disclaimer: The information presented on this webpage provides general knowledge about pests and potential treatments. It is important to note that this content is not meant to serve as medical advice. In the case of a medical emergency, please dial 000 promptly and adhere to the provided guidance.
